Exploring your Midheaven for Cosmic Career Advice


I love teaching astrology because I’m constantly learning, too. 

My Midheaven (MC) is in Cancer. Since we’re currently in Cancer season I decided to dive deeper into what this meant this month… and (no surprise) what I found was super interesting, and very on point!

Below I’ve included my notes on each Mc placement. 

But before we dive into that… what is the Midheaven? And how can you locate it in your birthchart?


The Midheaven represents:

  • our visible achievements

  • our public face (how society sees us),

  • our material accomplishments and

  • our overall sense of responsibility and standing in the world.

In other words: your MC can give you a clue about your life’s path and ideal careers based on your unique blueprint.

How to find your MC:

You’ll need a copy of your astrological birth chart.

From there, you’ll look for “MC” either on the wheel or in the key. On the wheel, it should be located near the top of your chart (see image below).


career clues for each midheaven placement


Aries are the zodiac's initiators. They tend to be very goal-focused, competitive, and are drawn to roles that promise growth and adventure. They excel in careers that require a self-starter.


Taurus MCs are slow, but determined. It could take them years, but once they set their mind on achieving something, they will not give up. A role that celebrates their steady, reliable work ethic will pay off.


Gemini MCs are known to be great communicators, and can excel when it comes to speaking or writing. They have the ability to multi-task and thrive on diversity in their projects. They get bored with routine, and therefore thrive in environments that make use of their adaptability and curious mind, like communications, journalism, media, or marketing.


Cancer MCs nurturing disposition makes them the ultimate caregiver. They love to create beautiful spaces and a comfortable atmosphere. They may have a lot of ups and downs in their career caused by suppressing their emotional side and boundaries may be an issue. They need a career that allows them to utilize their intuition and their ability to care for others - think chefs, social workers, teachers, and life coaches.

**Yep, that’s me! :)


Leo energy is always closely tied to creative work, often in a very public-facing way - think actors, artists, singers, dancers and motivational speakers. They're courageous in their choices and decisions, but should look out for an attitude of arrogance or impatience.


Virgo MCs are well suited for careers in wellness or healing. They intuitively know what someone needs to rest and recover. They have an eye for detail and a gift for analysis, and for criticism. The best job for them is one that allows them to apply their perfectionist tendencies to good use, and their interest in bettering both themselves and the world around them. Medicine, research, teaching, science or the literary arts may also be good fits for these folks.


Libra is all about equality and bringing things into balance, so those with this midheaven sign may be our great mediators, counselors and lawyers. Their natural likability and people skills could also help them go far in all interpersonal professions. It’s important for these people to remain true to their personal values no matter what career they find themselves in.


Scorpios MCs have an innate ability to see the truth underneath the lies or stories people tell themselves, which can make them excellent therapists, investigators, and also spiritual healers (psychics, mediums, energy workers). It’s the work of these people to “pull back the veil.”


Sagittarius MCs march to the beat of their own drum and so freedom is important with any career choice. They may be an nontraditional teacher, a philosopher, a world traveler. This person will likely create their own method or modality, as they desire to become the master of their craft. 


With a natural entrepreneurial spirit, Capricorn midheavens know what they want and what they have to do to get it done. This MC is the master of structure, systems, and logistics. They are born to make a name for themselves, and to make money! These are our natural CEOs, managers, and business moguls.


With a philanthropic spirit, Aquarian MCs thrive on contributing to the collective. They make excellent visionaries and inventors and have great ability to channel in ideas, especially around technology or innovation of any kind. They can't stand bureaucracy or too many rules - flexibility and freedom is of highest importance. They may pursue one career for a particular part of their life, and then suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, switch careers. This person may also find a lot of opportunities through their friends and social groups. 


Pisces midheaven people can appear to be out of touch with what's going on in the real world, but in fact, they're just tuned into a different wavelength. Money isn't as important to them as passion and following their intuition; they may seek careers in music, theater, film, healing arts, or literature. 

You probably know this but… you are so much more than one sign, or one placement!

I’ve found this information super interesting and hope you did too… but your MC certainly isn’t a complete picture of who you are and what you are capable of.

Interested in learning more about your astrological birth chart says about YOU and your ideal career path? Book a session with me - we’ll discuss this placement and more, plus map out a unique action plan.

As always, I love to hear from you.

What’s your MC? Does the description of this placement resonate with you? Leave a comment below!