Cancer Energy: Astrology for Career & Life Clarity

Learning about your personal astrology (through your birth chart) can be key to understanding your unique gifts, challenges and what life and work paths will ultimately bring you the most joy.

In addition, attuning to the energy of the astrological seasons provide both a spiritually-aligned focus for the month and invites more intuition, ease and flow into our day-to-day activities.

In this blog series I share more about the strengths and shadows of each zodiac sign, plus some activities to help you utilize the sign’s energy.

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June 21 – JULY 22

Symbol: The Crab / Element: Water / Mode: Cardinal

Oh, Cancer. The first of the water signs.

The feeler. The archetypal mother. The introvert.

The symbol of this sign is the Crab and Cancer sure knows how to go in. And while we must know how to effectively go in to reflect, self soothe and connect to our intuition, Cancer reminds us that we can’t simply live in our shells.

There’s a balance between protecting ourselves and opening up to new experiences.

This sign also reminds us that we can be our own best parent, teacher and guide. With the proper environment and tools, we have the power to change our thoughts, habits and realities.

We must spend time alone to get clear on what we want and need to evolve, and yet we must remember that ultimately we exist in the greater ocean of society.  

This month is all about going in and taking inventory with the intention to create real change not only in ourselves, but in the world.

There are many ways to reflect (a number of which are listed below in the “Strategies” section), but probably my favorite is by getting curious.

When you’re triggered or activated, or you feel yourself going into an old pattern, ask yourself:

What and how am I feeling? Why do I act or react the way that I do? Is this how I want to feel, how I want to show up, how I want to be? If not, how can I nurture myself safely into a new reality?

Strategies of Cancer:

  • Introspection and self reflection

  • Deep feeler (empathetic and psychic by nature)

  • Nurturing, compassionate and often selfless

  • Fiercely protective of loved ones

Shadows of Cancer:

  • Struggling with the balance of boundaries / vulnerability, introspection / being in the world 

  • Numbing instead of soothing

  • Emotional overwhelm, which can often lead to burn out or shutting others / the world out

  • Defensiveness

  • Helping people who aren’t willing to help themselves

  • Own needs become invisible

How to utilize the Cancer energy:

  • Spend time alone, in quiet to connect to yourself (and your higher self)

  • Amp up your introspective and reflective practices: journaling or therapeutic writing, meditation, using tarot or oracle cards, talking out loud to yourself, etc

  • Moving meditation techniques like yoga, tai chi, walking, or hiking

  • Feel your feelings! Reflection can help this, so can music, time in nature and being less busy. I like to reference this FEELINGS WHEEL to get to know my feelings better

  • Take a long shower or salt bath (Cancer is a water sign after all!)

  • Notice where and when you tend to “escape” or numb out, and practice turning to healthy self soothing techniques

  • Nourish your nervous system. Some ideas: breathwork, herbal teas (chamomile, lemon balm, lavender), CBD, self massage/foam rolling, clear the energy of your space (with sage or palo santo), turn off your WiFi/cell phone/news/notifications

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Interested in what your unique astrological birth chart says about your ideal career path?