Working with the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is just one spiritual law (there are MANY!), but it's gained a lot of popularity recently in part because some people mistakenly understand it as "You can control your life."

This is true, and it's also not true.

Your higher self, or soul, mapped out the events of your life specifically so that you could learn the lessons that you needed to in order to grow.

Your human self promptly forgets your purpose and all the lessons you're needing to learn at the moment of your birth.

Your soul leads you to your purpose through feelings of desire, inspiration and joy. Think of these feelings like breadcrumbs, one at a time guiding you on your way.

When you truly desire something, from deep within you, and allow yourself to fully want it… that is what attracts the thing (or person, or job or client) to you.

Not declaring to your best friend or money coach: “I want to make 100K this year!”

“I’m going to manifest a new client!”

It’s not thoughts to things, but rather feelings to things.

Common blocks with “thoughts to things” manifesting approaches:

Problem #1 IS THAT we don't always know what we want.

Sometimes we think we know what we want but that is from our current, human self perspective, and often times it's deeply flavored by our upbringing, societal conditioning and inherited belief systems of what defines success and what life is supposed to look like.

Problem #2 is that we take feeling out of the equation.

Many of us (and especially women) have been taught that our feelings make us weak and vulnerable. We aren't attuned to our soul's desires, or we are but when they don't match up with what society says we should want, we deny them.

When we attempt to manifest from an intellectual place, or for a thing that is not truly something our soul desires, we most often do not succeed. Or at least, the universe doesn't support us in succeeding. We feel like we're pushing a boulder uphill.

True attraction is driven by our deepest, most personal desires and it feels like freedom.

What you want also wants you.

The best thing you can do to live a more fulfilling, more joyful and purposeful life is to attune to your soul's desires.

For today I want to leave you with two questions, because as noted above the biggest block to manifesting is not knowing what you really want.

To sit with in meditation or to reflect in your journal:

  • Are my current goals mine?

  • Are my goals (or dreams) based on a high vibration feeling, like desire or pleasure or real interest, or are they based from fear, conditioning or shoulds?

This might bring up a lot so give yourself space and time and know that you might be left with more questions than answers. This is a sure sign you're on the right path.


If you'd like support in diving deeper into your goals from a soul aligned place, I invite you to join me for Remembering the Future - an evening of calling in your dreams for the year ahead. 

In this activation-style gathering, I’ll guide you to attune to your intuition and deepest desires through meditation and guided journaling. 

It’s going to be powerful, and it’s going to be FUN.