Taking my business off Instagram


Just over six weeks ago I made the decision to get off of Instagram, for good.

As I shared in my farewell post, I resisted this move for a while because truthfully the platform and community supported me and brought me so much joy over the years.

Today I’m reflecting on how this choice has impacted me, both professionally and personally.

Spoiler alert: I have no regrets, and while I do miss seeing my friends' and clients everyday lives, I have no plans of getting back on this app or supporting the information overload economy.

This video is for you if you’ve questioned your relationship with social media, whether or not you run a business using a social platform.


As always: I love to hear from you!

Do you question your relationship with social media?

Do you feel scrolling on Instagram (or Facebook, or Twitter, or even the news) impacts your energy and mood?

Are you afraid to make a change because of how it might impact your business or friendships?

Leave a comment and let me know!