Pisces Energy: Astrology for Career & Life Clarity


Learning about your personal astrology (through your birth chart) can be key to understanding your unique gifts, challenges and what life and work paths will ultimately bring you the most joy.

In addition, attuning to the energy of the astrological seasons provide both a spiritually-aligned focus for the month and invites more intuition, ease and flow into our day-to-day activities.

In this blog series I share more about the strengths and shadows of each zodiac sign, plus some activities to help you utilize the sign’s energy.




Symbol: The Fishes / Element: Water / Mode: Mutable

Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and so this archetype brings us both a sense of wholeness (it’s said that the Piscean energy encompasses a little bit of all the other signs) and also a sense of an ending.

The ending of one year gives birth to a new year.

The ending of one dream creates space for a new dream.

The ending of one reality opens up the possibility for a new reality.

Pisces reminds us that we live in a subjective world and one that we know very little about in many ways. This sign teaches us that our perception of our reality matters just as much, if not more, than the “reality” itself.

Pisces invites us to dream, to imagine, and to create.

She asks us to hold space for all possibilities, and cling to nothing as the only constant in life is change.

Pisces season provides us all with a beautiful opportunity to show ourselves (and our communities) deep compassion, to connect to the unseen world and to allow ourselves time to dream.

What are your hopes for the year ahead?

If you had a magic wand, what would you wish for?

Where does your mind wander to when it’s not actively engaged in doing or achieving?

All great questions to meditate on this season.

Strategies of Pisces:

  • Deeply empathetic 

  • Highly intuitive

  • Sensitive

  • Creative

  • Compassionate

Shadows of Pisces:

  • Escapist tendencies

  • Takes things personally

  • Moodiness, leaning towards melancholy or depression

  • Lack of boundaries

  • Lives in a fantasy world

How to utilize the Pisces energy:

  • Pay attention to your dreams. Set an intention before you go to bed to remember your dreams, or to be open to receiving messages in your dream state. 

  • Choose compassion over judgment. Try working with this mindset “Everyone I meet is doing their best.”

  • Go deeper with your connection to your intuition and the Spirit World. It’s a great time to pick up a deck of tarot cards, begin meditating, or learn more about the “woo woo.”

  • Read poetry and allow yourself to day dream or fantasize. 

  • Be open to changing your mind, especially around concepts of reality and what is possible for your life. 

  • Create boundaries and only say yes to the people, experiences and opportunities that feel truly aligned with your highest and best good. 

  • Be aware of any tendencies to escape or numb out when things don’t go your way (this can be through TV, social media or food, and of course drugs and alcohol). 


Interested in what your unique astrological birth chart says about your ideal career path?