
A six month accelerator for the mama who wants more from her business and life

with Intuitive Business Coach Emily Nachazel

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Are you ready for a business that makes you money and supports your soul?

You’re in exactly the right place.

Do you feel…

- Drained from trying to run a business with your baby/kiddos at your feet, waiting for it to consistently make money?

-Overwhelmed from trying to do it all with your work and life?

- Sad about how much time you have to spend away from your kids (or future kids!) at a job you don’t love?

-Frustrated that your business hasn’t just “made it” already?

As women many of us have been led to believe that we have to choose, especially once we become mothers.

We can have a successful career… at the expense of our own health or time with our families.

Or we can have a fulfilling home life… at the expense of our professional ambitions or creative projects.

There’s not room for it all.

This can be true if we try to fit ourselves, our desires and our dreams into models made for men, or for maidens. 

But there is another way…

A new paradigm is forming in which mothers both lead and thrive.

Imagine a world where you:

> Do big things with your work and your kids

> Bring financial abundance to your family, without sacrificing your role as nurturer and caretaker

> No longer struggle with overwhelm, burnout and the chronic “not-enoughness” that plagues mothers and business owners

>Have it all, not because you do it all yourself, but because you are well supported

>And where you’re connected to a web of other ambitious, heart-centered women who see you, celebrate you and support you on all the levels.

Welcome to the Matriarchy


Hi mama, I’m Emily - I’m a career coach & business mentor for creative, ambitious women. I’m also a mom to 16-month old Flynn.

Becoming a mother has been the greatest initiation into my next level of business.

The year after returning from my maternity leave, I more than doubled my revenue while working part time (my first six figure year in 8 years of business!).

I’m not here to tell you it was easy - there were many tears and many moments when I wasn’t sure I could keep going.

But what got me thru was mentorship, community and a deep connection to my higher self which has always told me I was meant for big things.

Even greater than the financial wins, I see my success in the million of daily moments I get with my son, the incredible relationships and transformations I get to be a part of in my work, and the space within it all for me to be me.

This is just the beginning, for me, and for you. Come rise with me.


A matriarch is a woman who’s stepped into her power as a mother, provider and creator.

She has a big vision for herself and for the legacy she can create for her children, and for the world.

You may find her walking women thru deep transformations, funding female-founded start ups, advocating for social justice, speaking on stages, mentoring teen girls, or caring for your children.

And she’s a mother - whether that’s to her own children, her nieces, her students, her friends. By nature she is a caretaker, a nurturer, a mama bear and these attributes are likely woven into her work.

She’s sensitive but she’s also a force.

She doesn’t fit into the box given to her by the patriarchy

She’s blazing a different trail to her personal and professional success.


If you know you have big medicine to offer the world…

If you’re ready for your work to support you and your family on a deeper level…

and if you crave a space where you can explore your leadership as a mother…

I invite you to join us inside Matriarch.

Matriarch is a six month accelerator for mothers (and aspiring mamas) who want more from their businesses and their lives.

Inside you’ll receive a blend of soulful strategy, clear guidance and woo-woo magic that will take you and your business to an entirely new level of success.


Matriarch is for you if…

You’re a mom, mama-to-be or see kids in your future soon AND

  • You’re SO ready for a successful business that works with your personal and family life

  • You know you have magic to offer the world, but are held back by the voice of your inner critic (hey imposter syndrome!) and the very real constraints on your time and energy as a mom

  • You crave a close group of women who really get you and your big ambitions in both work and motherhood

  • Your business hasn’t really taken off yet (or has stalled post baby) and you’d love support it getting it to a place where it’s truly thriving

  • You feel called to radically change your work post baby or no desire to go back to your full time job

  • You’ve thought about business mentorship, but many programs feel too formulaic and overwhelming, or ask you to invest upwards of $10-15K (which you can’t justify given the stage of your work)

    And above all… you’re so ready for your work to just work already.

“I am a very step by step person so designing my own business felt very overwhelming, using Emily's content gave me a flow for setting up my business.

I am walking away from this experience feeling supported, aligned with my business offerings, and confident in presenting and sharing about my business with others (both on and offline).”

— Courtney, Wellness Coach, Florida

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What’s included



Intuitive Business Foundations

set your business up for success

This six module curriculum will walk you through setting up your business from start to finish, in a feminine & intuitive way. We’ll cover everything from websites to offers to pricing to marketing to financial systems and more!

The best part? I’ve broken everything down in a way that’s both understandable and doable (no business degree or tech background required.)


Matriarch Live Group Coaching Calls

REAl-time support

We’ll meet twice a month for our live group calls. These calls are your opportunity to ask questions, get personalized feedback and coaching. This is also where we’ll discuss topics specific for momprenuers.

Replays and additional materials (guided meditations, bonus classes & practical exercises) available in our course portal.



Private Community Space


Our private chat is where you’ll receive coaching and connect with the other women in the group in between our calls.


1:1 Deep Dive with Emily

personal strategy session

When you join Matriarch, you’ll also receive a 90 minute coaching session with Emily ($450 value) to be used at any time throughout the program



“Before working with Emily, I found myself feeling overwhelmed by what I thought I was supposed to do in order to have a ‘successful’ business. 

Emily helped me to identify tools and strategies that fit with where I am in my life now (busy mom who also works full time!).  This has been immensely helpful in being able to move forward with my goals.” 

— Erin, Psychologist & Energy Practitioner, California

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What we’ll cover:

  1. Your business foundations - your mission, your ideal client, your unique offers and your pricing.

  2. How to put your work out there in the work in a soulful way - content creation, marketing, and networking (no spammy DMs or expensive ads required)

  3. Financial goals + processes - how to manage your money and call in more of it!

  4. Imposter syndrome, comparisonitis and all the other shadow that comes up when you start to put yourself out there in a new or bigger way

  5. Business rituals + how to weave spirit into your work

  6. Time and task management (especially crucial for those who are working part time or have kiddos at home during the day)!

  7. Group coaching, memberships + scaling your work

  8. Spiritual sales & launching strategy

  9. Making sure your business supports YOU on all the levels!!


“Emily's calm and warm energy really lends itself to supporting women in business. She is honest, a great listener, and held me accountable.

I've already recommended her to a few women in business who want business to feel like THEM, and not like the product of hustle culture.”

— Brannan, Branding & Web Design, NC

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You don’t have to figure it all out alone, mama.

Your time is too precious to be wasted on things that don’t contribute to your bottom line of joy or profit.

Ready to join us inside Matriarch?

Your next step is to submit an application using the link below.

I review each application personally and will be in touch within 48 hours. There’s no obligation to join by submitting an application.

Let’s discover your next level and your legacy, together.

xxo Emily


“Emily’s coaching is actionable and digestible for a list-maker like myself, and I walk away from every interaction with a more expanded vision of what my business/life can be. 

She is the perfect blend of strategic planning, clear guidance, and woo-woo magic.”

— Liz, Public Speaking Coach & Real Estate Agent, Seattle

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when are our calls?

Our calls will be held Tuesday at 7PM ET, twice per month.

Replays are available and will be posted to our course portal within 48 hours.

what's included in the program?

  • Intuitive Business Foundations Course, a mix of practical tips and soulful strategy to kickstart your business

  • Group coaching calls 2x/month to discuss relevant topics and receive personalized coaching

  • Private group chat to connect & receiving coaching in between calls

  • One 90 minute strategy session with Emily

what's the cost?

MATRIARCH is a four figure investment. Payment plans (included extended payment plans) are available.

I won’t be able to make many of the calls live. Is that a problem?

Not at all! As long as you can commit to watching or listening to the replays, and showing up in our group chat in between sessions.

Is this program just for women who are moms already?

This program is catered towards mothers, mamas-to-be and aspiring moms (women who see kids in their near future). If that doesn’t describe you but you’re still feeling called to work with me, please book a time to chat and we can discuss options!

Have another question you need answered before applying?

Email us at



A six month accelerator for the mama who wants more from her business and her life
